In the year 2000, surrounded by Calvinist professors and serving as a youth minister under a Calvinist Pastor, Kevin became persuaded that Calvinism was biblically accurate. About a year and a half later, Kevin saw clearly from Ephesians 1 and Romans 8-9 that Calvinism couldn’t possibly be true, and realized how much it contradicted with scripture. Appalled at how easily he was deceived and with how easily others were being deceived, Kevin embarked on a journey, not just to disprove Calvinism, but to understand how deception works. He found the extant anti-Calvinist literature to be severely lacking in quality and perspective and started generating his own content, mostly in the form of notes and writings, with the eventual goal of writing a book. This later morphed into the generation of YouTube content which was nearly exclusively dedicated to debunking Calvinism, though not by original design.